Sunday, August 30, 2009

to be honest - i feel tired alone and unloved
have a game tomorrow
first in this year. the opening
wish me luck

Monday, August 24, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

green light

green light, originally uploaded by valery murashko.


cornflowers, originally uploaded by valery murashko.

3 years older

been editing my flickr page, which i havend updated and actually used for a long time now.
changed the name and stuff
when edited profile information found the old one i wrote about myself when i was 16 i guess.(that was when i start surfing thru flickr and uploading my photos there)
so here it is:

i love photography, though i am not a professional( and probably far from it.....really far)))))
anyway, 3 things i can't live without: people, music and art
i need to love and to be loved( luckily so far i was able to manage both)
i'm an arts advocate
i'm lazy(unfortunately)
i'm a chocolate addict
well, as my friends would say i'm a anything-that-is-sweet-addict...;))
i'm strange in my own way(like everybody else is too)
i need to know a person well to be open wtih him/her
i love my mom, my parents, my friends, and my cat( and i understood it more than ever in this year)
keep smiling!!!
well, that's pretty much was nice of you reading my profile and look at my pics........:)))


haha its funny, i'm so positive about everything
anyway almost nothing hasn't changed in 3 years
i still can not live without art, music and people
i'm still eating tons of sweet stuff
and so on.
but i wouldn't pay so much attention to these things now

i guess i'm the same. just 3 years older

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Saturday, August 1, 2009

door to nowhere